Pictures From 1998

Last updated 16 January 2000

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Planting flowers, May 24<sup>th</sup>
Planting flowers, May 24th
Planting flowers
Planting flowers
Cleaning up?  May 25<sup>th</sup>
Cleaning up? May 25th
A train, a train, a train, a train!
A train, a train, a train, a train!
Beth, Madeline, and the Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe
Beth, Madeline, and the Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe
Out of the pumpkin
Out of the pumpkin
Holding Pap-Pap's hand
Holding Pap-Pap's hand
Madeline in swing for first time
Madeline in swing for first time
Michael, Hayley, Matthew, and Madeline
Michael, Hayley, Matthew, and Madeline
Dad & Madeline, Crane Beach
Dad & Madeline, Crane Beach
Mom's birthday
Mom's birthday
Eating watermelon
Eating watermelon
Marta, Kristi, Jim, <br>Madeline, and Grandma Judy
Marta, Kristi, Jim,
Madeline, and Grandma Judy
Another one
Another one
Anne DeIuliis and Beth
Anne DeIuliis and Beth
Caroline and Madeline
Caroline and Madeline
Caroline, Madeline, and Abbey
Caroline, Madeline, and Abbey
At beach on dad's birthday
At beach on dad's birthday
With mom at beach
With mom at beach
Writing in the sand
Writing in the sand
Baby picture
Baby picture
With mom in delivery room
With mom in delivery room
Mom and dad in delivery
Mom and dad in delivery
Mom and big sister in maternity
Mom and big sister in maternity
Exchanging gifts
Exchanging gifts
Grandma and Pap-Pap Holsberger
Grandma and Pap-Pap Holsberger
Alone with sister on couch at home
Alone with sister on couch at home
Grandma and Madeline in the leaves
Grandma and Madeline in the leaves
In ladybug costume
In ladybug costume
Grandma, Ben, Madeline, and Pap-Pap
Grandma, Ben, Madeline, and Pap-Pap
Great-Aunt Gail with Ben
Great-Aunt Gail with Ben
Ready for winter!
Ready for winter!
One month old
One month old
Drawing pictures
Drawing pictures
In IUP outfit
In IUP outfit
By himself
By himself
With sister
With sister
With sister and Grandma Judy
With sister and Grandma Judy

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