
James Carlson

PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging
2nd Edition

Book cover

This book is available from Amazon On-Line (find), Barnes and Noble (find), SoftPro (find), ReadMe.DOC (find), The Open Group (find), Page One Bookstore (find), Software Station (Hungary) (Keresés), directly from the US publisher and other technical book distributors.

The first edition, PPP Design and Debugging, is a widely-used reference for PPP. It is still available from many resellers. It is featured by Klos Technologies and is referenced by Stokely Consulting, and the TCP/IP resources list. It also has been reviewed by the American Library Association's Telecommunications Electronic Reviews.

The second edition has expanded coverage of the newer protocols and options used with PPP, including a chapter on the internal operation of the popular "pppd" implementation distributed by Australia National University, and two others on tunneling and security. The accompanying CD-ROM has copies of all RFCs current as of August 2000, copies of useful expired drafts and other documents, plus some supporting example code.

PPP Design, Implementation and Debugging is written for engineers, programmers, technical support specialists, and others who are interested in the inner workings of the Point-to-Point Protocol, which is used to form network links over serial lines. It describes the framing formats, the message formats, and the negotiation procedures in detail. It touches only briefly on user-level details.

The author is currently with Sun Microsystems and has worked for a number of networking equipment manufacturers. He has a BS/EE from Carnegie-Mellon University and an MS/CS from Boston University.

I welcome comments, criticism, and questions about this book. Please contact me electronically by email. My most current email address is always available from the InterNIC "whois" service as handle JC6738.

© 2000-2005 James Carlson, all rights reserved. Last updated on May 6th, 2005.

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