Pictures From 1999

Last updated 21 January 2000

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Finn Heine and Madeline
Finn Heine and Madeline
Making gingerbread cookies for Santa
Making gingerbread cookies for Santa
In armchair with brother Ben
In armchair with brother Ben
Sled riding with Dad
Sled riding with Dad
Cake for 3<sup>rd</sup> birthday
Cake for 3rd birthday
Opening presents
Opening presents
In IUP outfit
In IUP outfit
Big smile for the camera
Big smile for the camera
Thoughtful place
Thoughtful place
The whole family
The whole family
Ben and Madeline ready for bed
Ben and Madeline ready for bed
Madeline's snowman
Madeline's snowman
Mr. Potato Head
Mr. Potato Head
Ben at 5 months
Ben at 5 months
Ben on St. Patrick's day
Ben on St. Patrick's day
Madeline, Matthew, and Hayley coloring eggs
Madeline, Matthew, and Hayley coloring eggs
Nana Holsberger, Ben, and Madeline
Nana Holsberger, Ben, and Madeline
Abbey, Emily, and Caroline DeIuliis with Madeline and Ben
Abbey, Emily, and Caroline DeIuliis with Madeline and Ben
Beth with Anne DeIuliis
Beth with Anne DeIuliis
The five Holsberger grandchildren
The five Holsberger grandchildren
Grandma and Pap-pap with grandchildren
Grandma and Pap-pap with grandchildren
Matthew and Michael
Matthew and Michael
Ben at six months and two teeth
Ben at six months and two teeth
Ben's push-up, one down, ninety-nine to go
Ben's push-up, one down, ninety-nine to go
Major Bed Head
Major Bed Head
Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, blue & yellow striped bikini
Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, blue & yellow striped bikini
Last bath in the small tub
Last bath in the small tub
Madeline and Ben
Madeline and Ben
Bath time
Bath time
Just a few more minutes
Just a few more minutes
Beth's birthday
Beth's birthday
Ben's first lo mein
Ben's first lo mein
Madeline, Ben, and Hayley with Grandma
Madeline, Ben, and Hayley with Grandma
David, Mike, Joe, and part of Holly
David, Mike, Joe, and part of Holly
Matt and Mike on Harris street
Matt and Mike on Harris street
Ben and Matt with Madeline in background
Ben and Matt with Madeline in background
Peer pressure
Peer pressure
The grandkids with Popsicles and Grandma
The grandkids with Popsicles and Grandma
Holly's 31<sup>st</sup> birthday
Holly's 31st birthday
Too tired to eat
Too tired to eat
Making a sandbox
Making a sandbox
Grandparents with kids
Grandparents with kids
The family
The family
Ben's 11 month birthday
Ben's 11 month birthday
Jim's birthday
Jim's birthday
Far-far and Ben
Far-far and Ben
Madeline and Emily
Madeline and Emily
Miss Diane, Mark, Cameron, Bianca, Dorian, Madeline, and Ben
Miss Diane, Mark, Cameron, Bianca, Dorian, Madeline, and Ben
Madeline, Brianna, Sheryl, Megan, and Kasey
Madeline, Brianna, Sheryl, Megan, and Kasey
Birthday at Donna's
Birthday at Donna's
Madeline and Ben
Madeline and Ben
Ben's 1<sup>st</sup> birthday
Ben's 1st birthday
Nothing but net
Nothing but net
Cheryl, Ben, Emily, Mitchell, and Madeline
Cheryl, Ben, Emily, Mitchell, and Madeline
1999 pumpkin
1999 pumpkin
Madeline, Kelly, Ben, and Lynsay
Madeline, Kelly, Ben, and Lynsay
Running on beach
Running on beach
Ben writing in sand
Ben writing in sand
Madeline digging
Madeline digging
Sponge rollers
Sponge rollers
A hug
A hug
1999 tree
1999 tree
Before opening presents
Before opening presents
Ben with drill
Ben with drill
Madeline and View Master from Uncle Jeff
Madeline and View Master from Uncle Jeff
Dress-up clothes
Dress-up clothes

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